Van Andersson

A night out in Hudiksvall

Publicerad 2014-07-20 22:40:00 i Daily Life, photography,

I started my Saturday by doing face painting for kids at a fundraising for a couple of hours. I was left covered in paint, hungry and with a back ache...unfortunatly I got no fun pictures from the event as I did not bring my camera or had the time to take any due to the incredible long line for the painting!
After that I ended up getting an amazing home made falafel dinner made by dear Jenny!
        So cosy and so yummy!                
nom nom nom!
After the food, beer, cider and intresting conversation, we headed down to the town where car crusing was taking place.
 The roads where packed with cars and the side walks were packed with people. All in crusing spirit!
We headed down to the harbor and had a cider and enjoyed the summer weather and beautiful view.
Our next stop was at Sigges for a beer. I even got asked for a dance with music which remind most Swedish people my ageof "Lilla Jönssonligan."
Next stop was for another Cider at the Glad Hudiks Summer Week tents.
And then we ended the Night at Hogges
And we danced the night away...
All I can say is that I had a wonderful day out with wonderful Jenny. Let's do it again soon!


Postat av: Jenny

Publicerad 2014-07-21 01:33:20

Åh sjukt fina bilderna blev!! gillar särskilt den på tältet! kul att se bilder på mig också hihi jag som aldrig brukar synas framför kameran i vanliga fall. och ja helt klart får vi göra om det. puss

Svar: Tack! Ja jag vet. Man blir nästan chockad när det finns bilder på en själv nu förtiden, tagen av andra! Haha. puss puss

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