Van Andersson

One year down, two to go.

Publicerad 2014-06-05 01:16:00 i Daily Life, nature,

I have now completed my first year of the Photojournalism program in Sundsvall and I can say, I am pretty suprised! It's crazy how fast this year has gone by and how much I have changed as a person. Around this time a year ago, I thought I had no chance of even getting accepted for this program. I was scared and unsure about myself, and did not think I would be able to get in anywhere!


When I got put on the wait list, I was suprised, hopeful but also a bit confused. I had gotten accepted into the Graphic Design Program, something I am intressted in as well, but the suprithough of what I really wanted to do with my life. But when the second round of acceptance letters came around, and I saw that I had gotten a place in the Photojournalism Program, I was extatic! I had gotten into my first choice program. I was good enough.


If you had not figured it out, I have very low self-esteem about my abilities. So, getting in to the program with the example work I had sent in, and then successfuly completing my first year, is a huge thing!


I know that the coming years are going to be tough. But I have made it this far, so what says I won't make it through the next?



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