"It's a metaphor..."
Today has been a lazy day. I have no plans at the moment for what I am doing this summer, which I find sad as well as frustrating. I was not successful in getting a summer job this year either...I have no idea what more I need to do to land one! But I shall try and make this a creative summer, and if possible do one or two short trips somewhere if possible.

Anyway, I started my morning with a Vanilla, raspberry, blueberry, and banana smoothie...

..while listening to A Great Big Wolrd.

After a walk with Sofia down for some grocery shopping and some fresh air, we made it home just in time before the rain started pouring down.

While in town we stopped by a second hand store, where I found this little dress for 50 kr! [Gina Tricot]

For the rest of the day I have been re-reading "The Fault In Our Stars" Which has movie premier all over the USA today/tomorrow. Unfortunatly, living in Sweden means we have to wait till the 22nd to watch it...not okay.

I also watched this movie, directed by Ryan Murphy and written by Larry Kramer. Staring Mark Ruffalo, Matt Bomer, Jim Parsons, Julia Roberts, and Jonathan Groff.
Watch it. This movie is educational, important, full of love, and heart wrenching! I can't remember the last time I cried as much as I did watching this amazing movie. Apart from the amazing cast, the camera work w beautiful!
A short summery: It's about the rise of the HIV-AIDS crisis in New York City between 1981-1984, seen through the eyes of the writer/activist Ned Weeks, a gay, Jewish-American who foundeded a HIV advocacy group. Ned uses a loud public confrontation method to get his point across rather than calm strategies which his associates, friends, and lover Felix Turner prefers. Their differences of opinion lead to arguments that threaten their mutual goal.
Hope you all had a great day.